Veneer technical specifications

Learn more about the technical specifications of veneers
and discover a whole new world of options

What is veneer?

Veneer refers to thin slices of wood. According to historical records, ancient Egyptians were the first to use Veneers for decorative purposes. Veneer production has developed into a successful commercial industry since the 1950’s.

Veneer is obtained either by “peeling” the trunk of a tree or by slicing large rectangular blocks of wood known as quarter slicing. From 1m³ log we can acquire up to 700-1000m² wood Veneer. The appearance of the grain and figure in wood comes from slicing through the growth rings of a tree and depends on the angle at which the wood is sliced.

The thickness of Veneers varies between 0,6 and 2,5 mm depending on the wood species used. More than 168 different wood species are available in the wood world market. KALTSIDIS showcases all of them.

Wood Veneer is closely identified with the absolute
beauty and perfection of nature. There is no other natural
product that can provide such added value. There are
endless applications of using Wood Veneers, in everyday
or business settings, such as classy furniture, doors,
flooring, decorative wood wallpapers, kitchen furniture

Every individual tree has its unique“personality traits”,
thus leading to an enormous diversity of Wood Veneers.
Various finishing techniques applied to this diversity
bring distinct individuality of color and pattern to every

Slicing techniques


Quarter cut

The slicing is made perpendicular
to the annual growth rings of the
tree. Thus creating a straight
grain effect. Suitable mostly
for home furniture.


Quarter rift cut

A straight grain effect similar
to true quarter cut veneer most
commonly used in larger
homogeneous applications.
Suitable for hotel lobbies,


Crown Cut / Plain Slicing

By slicing parallel to the center
of the log, a raised “cathedral
effect” is formed by the
innermost growth rings.
Suitable for every application
which enrich the natural wood


Rotary Cut

A whole log is mounted in a lathe
and turned against the blade.
It produces continuous sheets
of Veneer with great variations
in pattern. Suitable for plywood
boards, chair components,
3D furniture.

Jointing techniques


Book matched

The most common technique.
Stripes are mirror-image pairs and alternate like the pages of an open book, creating a symmetrical pattern.


Horizontal/ slip matched

This technique is chosen to create a uniform pattern. All stripes are facing the same way.



A technique that offers a “solid wood” natural appearance, by joining selected bundles of veneers of the same log in a random sequence.


Reverse slip matched

A technique, that offers a uniform pattern, with stripes that face “up” and “down” in an alternating order.


Random matched

A technique that uses unique stripes of crown and quarter cut veneers resulting in a completely random pattern.


Balance Matched

A technique that uses small pieces of Veneer that are symmetrically glued together. Commonly used on marquetery patterns.


KALTSIDIS WOOD INDUSTRY is a boutique company that produces
“tailor made” products for each client

Our philosophy is to produce high quality panels
that match your needs and exceed your expectations

Oak Crown cut quality samples


Superior / Architectural

This grade uses wood veneer flitches that are unique. They stand out for their perfection and their rarity. Each log is over 700m2 and when used will upgrade your project due to its appearance and pattern continuation. Superior quality is used only on major architectural projects and/or memorable private projects.



This grade uses wood veneer flitches with clear balanced color and uniform structure. Each log , over 300m2, is without any defects, such as knots, discoloration, flakes offering pure perfection. Extra quality is used on any project idea that looks for perfection in daily using spaces.



This grade uses wood veneer flitches with less symmetry, minor color variations and few “natural wood” characteristics that do not compromise the high quality appearance of the final product. Each log, over 200m2, is relatively uniform in appearance and adds a high value to any space. The most commonly used veneer quality in any type of project.


Commercial / AB

This grade is characterized by its natural wood appearance. Heavy color and structure variations are a common factor here. Some knots on the color of the wood could be also present in this grade. Commercial quality is widely used on daily projects because of its price sensitivity.

Oak Rift / Quarter cut quality samples


Superior / Architectural

This grade uses wood veneer flitches that are unique. They stand out for their perfection and their rarity. Each log is over 700m2 and when used will upgrade your project due to its appearance and pattern continuation. Superior quality is used only on major architectural projects and/or memorable private projects.



This grade uses wood veneer flitches with clear balanced color and uniform structure. Each log , over 300m2, is without any defects, such as knots, discoloration, flakes offering pure perfection. Extra quality is used on any project idea that looks for perfection in daily using spaces.



This grade uses wood veneer flitches with less symmetry, minor color variations and few “natural wood” characteristics that do not compromise the high quality appearance of the final product. Each log, over 200m2, is relatively uniform in appearance and adds a high value to any space. The most commonly used veneer quality in any type of project.


Commercial / AB

This grade is characterized by its natural wood appearance. Heavy color and structure variations are a common factor here. Some knots on the color of the wood could be also present in this grade. Commercial quality is widely used on daily projects because of its price sensitivity.